Void Agreement Cannot Become What


    Void Agreement Cannot Become Valid

    An agreement is a legally binding contract that is enforceable by law. However, not all agreements are valid, and some may be voidable or void. A void agreement is one that is not enforceable by law, and therefore, it cannot become valid. In this article, we will discuss what void agreements are and why they cannot become valid.

    What is a Void Agreement?

    A void agreement is a contract or agreement that is not legally enforceable because it lacks the essential elements required for a contract to be valid. Some of the reasons for a contract to be considered void are: if it is against the law, against public policy, fraudulent, or involves coercion or force.

    For example, a contract that is based on an illegal activity, such as selling drugs or trafficking, is considered void. A promise made under duress, where one party is forced to agree to the terms of the contract, is also considered a void agreement.

    Why Void Agreements Cannot Become Valid

    A void agreement is essentially no agreement at all. It lacks the necessary elements of a legally binding contract. Therefore, it cannot become valid, no matter what changes are made to it. Even if the parties involved make changes to the agreement or try to re-write it to make it enforceable, it will remain void.

    The reason for this is that a void agreement lacks the essential requirements for a contract to be legally binding. For instance, if an agreement involves the sale of illegal drugs, it will remain void regardless of any attempts to modify it. The same applies to agreements that are contrary to public policy, such as agreements that seek to defraud the government or agreements that involve discrimination.

    In summary, a void agreement cannot become valid because it does not meet the essential requirements of a contract. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that any agreement that you enter into meets the legal requirements for a binding contract. If you are unsure about the legality of an agreement or contract, it is best to seek legal advice before signing it.


    In conclusion, it is important to understand what void agreements are and why they cannot become valid. A void agreement is essentially no agreement at all and lacks the necessary elements required for a contract to be legally enforceable. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that any agreement you enter into meets the legal requirements for a binding contract to avoid any legal issues or disputes in the future.